how do you feel about acoustic music? the other night, my fake brother was telling me that acoustic music is the worst thing in the whole wide world, and is actually a killer of rock music. i like acoustic music done properly. i mean, elliott smith? uh. some others? his stance was that people like frank black can put an acoustic guitar in a song and make it sound good, but that the whole MTV unplugged phenomenon was the worst thing to happen to music. ever.
but, anyhow, without boring you with random stupid details, during the whole debate, the following song was going through my head and i would have started singing it except that i don't think that fake brother knows this song.
so, here you go:
acoustic guitar - the magnetic fields
this is from disc three of 69 love songs, and though the file name may say something like "how to say goodbye" it's NOT. my computer sometimes is stupid and misreads and misnames files or whatever, so, you know, just know that it is the song i intended for it to be. regardless of name.
and then, tell me how you feel about acoustic music. i'd really like to know.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
we have arrived....
the more and more i listen to twin cinema, the more and more i like it. in fact, it's actually taken the place of the newest flavor of the month, "clap your hands say yeah" as the album that is most likely to be listened to in my car. this is kind of a huge honor. probably not, actually.
a large part of the liking has been the song the bleeding heart show, which could be and often is listened to on repeat, over and over and over again. there is just something about it...
so, i give you the bleeding heart show by the new pornographers; maybe you will love it as much as i do.
a large part of the liking has been the song the bleeding heart show, which could be and often is listened to on repeat, over and over and over again. there is just something about it...
so, i give you the bleeding heart show by the new pornographers; maybe you will love it as much as i do.
Friday, August 26, 2005
naked, if i want to
2 versions.
naked, if i want to - moby grape
naked, if i want to - cat power
this is always a good song. doubly so, now!
if there are linkage problems, let me know. somehow. they always work for me, but that might not mean anything.
naked, if i want to - moby grape
naked, if i want to - cat power
this is always a good song. doubly so, now!
if there are linkage problems, let me know. somehow. they always work for me, but that might not mean anything.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
unofficial canada day
yesterday, the new pornographers, in conjunction with matador records (US), released twin cinema.
now, i have to confess, i was not anxiously anticipating this album. not even a little bit. however, my loyalty to dan bejar of destroyer and neko case of neko case was too strong to not buy this album. and, you know what? after one listen, it's quite good. i still don't think that AC newman is all he's cracked up to be, but this is a far better album than their last album, electric version, which up until this morning, i had not listened to since shortly after its release in 2003.
in celebration of the new new pornographers and all things interconnected in that tangled little web those indie musicians weave, i have decided that i am going to celebrate an unofficial canada day and will only listen to canadian stuff, namely stuff involving neko case (an unofficial canadian herself), dan bejar, and the new pornographers peops.
the most exciting part of the day is that i stumbled across a destroyer rarities compilation and downloaded it and finally, finally have the version of "the music lovers" on CD that i previously only had on a 7" single that i could not play since i have no record player.
so, here you go...
the music lovers - destroyer (alternate version, of course!)
if i get 'round to it, i'll post more fantastic canadian tracks. but for now, this will do.
carry on.
now, i have to confess, i was not anxiously anticipating this album. not even a little bit. however, my loyalty to dan bejar of destroyer and neko case of neko case was too strong to not buy this album. and, you know what? after one listen, it's quite good. i still don't think that AC newman is all he's cracked up to be, but this is a far better album than their last album, electric version, which up until this morning, i had not listened to since shortly after its release in 2003.
in celebration of the new new pornographers and all things interconnected in that tangled little web those indie musicians weave, i have decided that i am going to celebrate an unofficial canada day and will only listen to canadian stuff, namely stuff involving neko case (an unofficial canadian herself), dan bejar, and the new pornographers peops.
the most exciting part of the day is that i stumbled across a destroyer rarities compilation and downloaded it and finally, finally have the version of "the music lovers" on CD that i previously only had on a 7" single that i could not play since i have no record player.
so, here you go...
the music lovers - destroyer (alternate version, of course!)
if i get 'round to it, i'll post more fantastic canadian tracks. but for now, this will do.
carry on.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
new monkey - elliott smith
from the either/or sessions. maybe someday, when i'm feeling super nice, i'll post the whole lot. well, at least disc one of the lot, since i don't have the second disc or whatevz.
(the sound quality is not the best, mind you, but that is just something you will have to deal with.)
from the either/or sessions. maybe someday, when i'm feeling super nice, i'll post the whole lot. well, at least disc one of the lot, since i don't have the second disc or whatevz.
(the sound quality is not the best, mind you, but that is just something you will have to deal with.)
Monday, August 22, 2005
home, vol. 4
i'm feeling nice.
here you go, the one time that i will ever ever ever willingly and ablingly listen to conor oberst, and that is only because he is playing with [my fake rock star boyfriend who doesn't actually know that i exist but who i brushed shoulders with once] britt daniel.

spent on rainy days
you get yours
southern state
let the distance bring us together
now, mind you, i still can't handle conor even a little bit, but i'll tolerate him for britt.
here you go, the one time that i will ever ever ever willingly and ablingly listen to conor oberst, and that is only because he is playing with [my fake rock star boyfriend who doesn't actually know that i exist but who i brushed shoulders with once] britt daniel.

spent on rainy days
you get yours
southern state
let the distance bring us together
now, mind you, i still can't handle conor even a little bit, but i'll tolerate him for britt.
fake autobiographical
south dakota - liz phair
call me mommy - make up
and, just because i like this song:
the loneliest duet - the secrets
call me mommy - make up
and, just because i like this song:
the loneliest duet - the secrets
Sunday, August 21, 2005
this. and a little bit of that.
wow. my last post was so fantastic that i don't even know that i can top it. ever.
today, i rediscovered the magic of pavement (did i ever really undiscover it? nope, don't think so.) and am slowly working on turning my daughter into the world's largest little pavement fan. though, her favorite song still is "the beast and dragon and dog" (aka the best and dragon, adored, by spoon). i'm working on it. spoon are great, but pavement are greater.
and yes, i know i refer to bands in the plural. i'm a fake brit. have i never mentioned this before? when your daughter's father hails from scotland, then these things tend to infiltrate the vocabulary.
no songs today, as, once again, i am at home and on dial-up, but tomorrow there should be more. should be being the operative words there. there is a fantastic old giant sand song that i may post and i need to expand my horizons and find some new things for all you lovelies to listen to, because i still am pretty certain that my taste in music is tops. it just needs to be expanded.
and, if you can't get sarcasm in writing, then there may be no hope for you.

today, i rediscovered the magic of pavement (did i ever really undiscover it? nope, don't think so.) and am slowly working on turning my daughter into the world's largest little pavement fan. though, her favorite song still is "the beast and dragon and dog" (aka the best and dragon, adored, by spoon). i'm working on it. spoon are great, but pavement are greater.
and yes, i know i refer to bands in the plural. i'm a fake brit. have i never mentioned this before? when your daughter's father hails from scotland, then these things tend to infiltrate the vocabulary.
no songs today, as, once again, i am at home and on dial-up, but tomorrow there should be more. should be being the operative words there. there is a fantastic old giant sand song that i may post and i need to expand my horizons and find some new things for all you lovelies to listen to, because i still am pretty certain that my taste in music is tops. it just needs to be expanded.
and, if you can't get sarcasm in writing, then there may be no hope for you.

Thursday, August 18, 2005
photo journey
today is a day off, so there are limitations as to what i can post. a girl can only do so much with dial-up, y'see? so, today is a day for random photographs and, also, a very sad tale, indeed.
first. the everchanging cast of the magnet band. forgive me if you've seen these pictures before, or if you are one of the lucky few who have seen these fantastic creations in person. as i said, i have my limitations today, so do what you will with that.

i have some more. i have some on my fridge here at home, too. in fact, with the magic of digital photography and instantaneous upload, i present you with this:

please ignore non-rock star magnets, as, i have quite a little soft spot in my hahhht for magnets. i like them. they're fun. this, however, is NOT the magnet blog (if it were, though...oh, if it *were*!), so focus instead on the rock star magnets. steve albini! kim deal! neko case! elliott smith! stephen malkmus! jesus! oh, wait, not jesus.
and now, for my tales of sadness and woe.
firstly, i present you with the following cleverly doctored photograph (i am very clever.):

my aforementioned copy of hisser, that, indeed, i scoured the stores of glasgow, edinburgh, dundee, stirling, and other places in scotland for before finally obtaining in one fantastic record store in london whose name now escapes me. oh, london.
but, to the point, as you can see from my mad paint skillz, he spelled erin with an A. that is just not right. as much as i love you, howe (and i do i do i do!), this is incorrect. however, his high fives are solid and he's still a nice man. and, though the new giant sand pretty much blows, his old work with john convertino and joey burns (oh, those pesky calexicans) is pretty fantastic. it truly is. and his solo work ain't too shaggy, either.
also, i took a photo of a photo the other day as i do not have a scanner and i wanted to show how howe kind of does resemble joey fatone (and, plus, i quite liked this picture of me). unfortunately, my photography skillz are not as good as my paint ones, at least in terms of figuring out how to avoid flash, but here you go anyhow. see the resemblance? i do!

unfortunately, this original photograph, along with a book that i truly love, were accidentally released into the universe at a random stop at a convenient store yesterday afternoon; the purpose of which was to pick up the new issue of entertainment weekly, which has a snippet about my favorite band about books, harry and the potters, in it. this is a sad, sad, sad, but true story and i am very sorry to know that some random person has probably one of my favorite photographs ever along with my copy of "half asleep in frog pajamas" by tom robbins.
this is a far more personal bad arts post than normal, as you may have noticed. cherish it. i'll be back to my old tricks tomorrow, or, at the least, soon enough.
first. the everchanging cast of the magnet band. forgive me if you've seen these pictures before, or if you are one of the lucky few who have seen these fantastic creations in person. as i said, i have my limitations today, so do what you will with that.

i have some more. i have some on my fridge here at home, too. in fact, with the magic of digital photography and instantaneous upload, i present you with this:

please ignore non-rock star magnets, as, i have quite a little soft spot in my hahhht for magnets. i like them. they're fun. this, however, is NOT the magnet blog (if it were, though...oh, if it *were*!), so focus instead on the rock star magnets. steve albini! kim deal! neko case! elliott smith! stephen malkmus! jesus! oh, wait, not jesus.
and now, for my tales of sadness and woe.
firstly, i present you with the following cleverly doctored photograph (i am very clever.):

my aforementioned copy of hisser, that, indeed, i scoured the stores of glasgow, edinburgh, dundee, stirling, and other places in scotland for before finally obtaining in one fantastic record store in london whose name now escapes me. oh, london.
but, to the point, as you can see from my mad paint skillz, he spelled erin with an A. that is just not right. as much as i love you, howe (and i do i do i do!), this is incorrect. however, his high fives are solid and he's still a nice man. and, though the new giant sand pretty much blows, his old work with john convertino and joey burns (oh, those pesky calexicans) is pretty fantastic. it truly is. and his solo work ain't too shaggy, either.
also, i took a photo of a photo the other day as i do not have a scanner and i wanted to show how howe kind of does resemble joey fatone (and, plus, i quite liked this picture of me). unfortunately, my photography skillz are not as good as my paint ones, at least in terms of figuring out how to avoid flash, but here you go anyhow. see the resemblance? i do!

unfortunately, this original photograph, along with a book that i truly love, were accidentally released into the universe at a random stop at a convenient store yesterday afternoon; the purpose of which was to pick up the new issue of entertainment weekly, which has a snippet about my favorite band about books, harry and the potters, in it. this is a sad, sad, sad, but true story and i am very sorry to know that some random person has probably one of my favorite photographs ever along with my copy of "half asleep in frog pajamas" by tom robbins.
this is a far more personal bad arts post than normal, as you may have noticed. cherish it. i'll be back to my old tricks tomorrow, or, at the least, soon enough.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
long songs
notorious lightning - destroyer
9 min. 51 sec. from notorious lightning and other works ep, 2005, merge records.
this is far superior to the version of notorious lightning that opens up 2004's your blues. far superior.
have i ever mentioned that i love destroyer?

from her to eternity - nick cave and the bad seeds
5 min. 33. sec. from from her to eternity, originally released 1984.
not my favorite nick cave song, but pretty fantastic nonetheless. he's great.

oh comely - neutral milk hotel
8 min. 18 sec. from in the aeroplane over the sea, 1998, merge records.
long song. i love this album.

shangri-la - the kinks
5 min. 20 sec. from arthur, or the decline and fall of the british empire, originally released 1969.
the kinks are the best british band of the sixties, and possibly, in my opinion, ever. EVER.

that should do.
(apologies for the random picture sizes. and apologies, too, because two of those are not even that long and i was too lazy to upload any more.)
edit: okay, how could i not put another nick cave song on this post? i couldn't not, so here you go. bonus!
the mercy seat - nick cave and the bad seeds
7 min. 17 sec. from tender prey, released 1988.
this is actually one of my favorite albums of all time.

9 min. 51 sec. from notorious lightning and other works ep, 2005, merge records.
this is far superior to the version of notorious lightning that opens up 2004's your blues. far superior.
have i ever mentioned that i love destroyer?

from her to eternity - nick cave and the bad seeds
5 min. 33. sec. from from her to eternity, originally released 1984.
not my favorite nick cave song, but pretty fantastic nonetheless. he's great.

oh comely - neutral milk hotel
8 min. 18 sec. from in the aeroplane over the sea, 1998, merge records.
long song. i love this album.

shangri-la - the kinks
5 min. 20 sec. from arthur, or the decline and fall of the british empire, originally released 1969.
the kinks are the best british band of the sixties, and possibly, in my opinion, ever. EVER.

that should do.
(apologies for the random picture sizes. and apologies, too, because two of those are not even that long and i was too lazy to upload any more.)
edit: okay, how could i not put another nick cave song on this post? i couldn't not, so here you go. bonus!
the mercy seat - nick cave and the bad seeds
7 min. 17 sec. from tender prey, released 1988.
this is actually one of my favorite albums of all time.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005
rainy day song
it's not raining!
4 door maverick - howe gelb
that should work. i've been having the worst experiences with my protected media content and my technological ineptness.
but, howe gelb = fantastico!
apparently, according to some, he looks like joey fatone's long lost dad. i've seen joey fatone's dad on the other half and howe gelb is not even remotely a look-alike. though, i do see an odd resemblance to joey fatone. i guess. whatevz.
howe is also really nice. and he likes scotch. and if you go to him with your rare copy of "hisser" that you scoured the UK for, he will appreciate your stories about this and sign it for you and even give you a high five. it's true.
he may, however, spell your name wrong.

4 door maverick - howe gelb
that should work. i've been having the worst experiences with my protected media content and my technological ineptness.
but, howe gelb = fantastico!
apparently, according to some, he looks like joey fatone's long lost dad. i've seen joey fatone's dad on the other half and howe gelb is not even remotely a look-alike. though, i do see an odd resemblance to joey fatone. i guess. whatevz.
howe is also really nice. and he likes scotch. and if you go to him with your rare copy of "hisser" that you scoured the UK for, he will appreciate your stories about this and sign it for you and even give you a high five. it's true.
he may, however, spell your name wrong.

Monday, August 15, 2005
word is out on the street....
this is probably my third favorite song ever, if i were the type who rates these things, of course.
rise up - bobby conn
i love bobby conn. he's so weird.

rise up - bobby conn
i love bobby conn. he's so weird.

Friday, August 12, 2005
song of the day
pretty eyes - the silver jews
in keeping with my pretty theme of the past two days, i am presenting you with probably my favorite silver jews song. i love it. it's PRETTY.
Everybody wants perspective from a hill
but everybody's wants can't make it past the window sill
I can see you in yourt room at night
the pictures on your walls
little forest scenes and high school halloweens
but they don't come to you
they don't come to you at all
All houses dream in blueprints
our house dreams so hard
Outside you can see my shoeprints
I've been dreaming in your yard
One of these days these days will end
Thru the kitchen window the light will bend
You'll be carving a pumpkin with a knife
when someone at the table says
"that's not what I call a life!"
The elephants are so ashamed of their size
hosing down I tell them "you got pretty eyes"
Out in the backyard I used to make like I was a cowboy
I'd set my dog before a hoop and say "now boy, now boy!"
When the governer's heart fails
the state bird falls from its branch
Icicles on hell's higher hills
Meanwhile back home at the ranch
I still get up early in the morning
and I never knew a better place
I believe the stars are the headlights of angels
driving from heaven to save us
to save us
Won't you look at the sky?
They're driving from heaven into our eyes
and though final words are so hard to devise
I promise that I'll always remember your pretty eyes
your pretty eyes
(lyrics janked from the corduroy suit)
d.c. berman is a genius.
i am anxiously anticipating tanglewood numbers' release in october. i actually have already downloaded this album, but, you know, i like to wait until i get the complete package. i'm a bit of a "needs the actual object" type of girl.
enjoy the song. it's......pretty. of course!
in keeping with my pretty theme of the past two days, i am presenting you with probably my favorite silver jews song. i love it. it's PRETTY.
Everybody wants perspective from a hill
but everybody's wants can't make it past the window sill
I can see you in yourt room at night
the pictures on your walls
little forest scenes and high school halloweens
but they don't come to you
they don't come to you at all
All houses dream in blueprints
our house dreams so hard
Outside you can see my shoeprints
I've been dreaming in your yard
One of these days these days will end
Thru the kitchen window the light will bend
You'll be carving a pumpkin with a knife
when someone at the table says
"that's not what I call a life!"
The elephants are so ashamed of their size
hosing down I tell them "you got pretty eyes"
Out in the backyard I used to make like I was a cowboy
I'd set my dog before a hoop and say "now boy, now boy!"
When the governer's heart fails
the state bird falls from its branch
Icicles on hell's higher hills
Meanwhile back home at the ranch
I still get up early in the morning
and I never knew a better place
I believe the stars are the headlights of angels
driving from heaven to save us
to save us
Won't you look at the sky?
They're driving from heaven into our eyes
and though final words are so hard to devise
I promise that I'll always remember your pretty eyes
your pretty eyes
(lyrics janked from the corduroy suit)
d.c. berman is a genius.
i am anxiously anticipating tanglewood numbers' release in october. i actually have already downloaded this album, but, you know, i like to wait until i get the complete package. i'm a bit of a "needs the actual object" type of girl.
enjoy the song. it's......pretty. of course!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
songs that are good
today is a day for pretty songs.
pretty ballerina - the left banke
i first heard this song on a mix tape that the father of my daughter gave me many many years ago. i still love this song, even though i no longer love him.
ventricle - ponies in the surf
this is a brother/sister duo from boston whom i am quite enamored of, even though they only have one short ep out and have never played here and sound a bit unpolished at times. they're still quite good. i like pretty music. what more can i say?
i wanted to treat you to more songs, but yousendit is being a bit of a pain, so i will leave you, instead, with really truly wonderful descriptions of pretty songs and why i like them. and maybe, someday, yousendit will stop being a balginey and will actually start uploading tracks and i can make these into pretty little mp3s for you, too.
edit: two more songs uploaded. excellent.
waterloo sunset - the kinks
I LOVE THE KINKS. LOVE THEM. LOVE THEM, even. they're fantastic. this song is really beautiful and sometimes, on somedays, it can even make me cry. though this is not my favorite song of theirs, it is fantastic and everyone should listen to it.
clam, crab, cockle, cowrie - joanna newsom
another lovely song. when joanna played this live last summer, i almost cried. that was a lie. i did cry. it's a really beautiful song and the lyrics are fantasticly fantastic.
all her favorite fruit - camper van beethoven
okay, i know that cvb are maybe a bit out of date. but, dude, this song is so good. the first time i heard it was when my brothers first learned to play guitars and started a little band and played covers at my small town moonlight madness in 1994. we still have the video tape. and their performance is still pretty awesome. but, i digress...this song? super good.
second edit: yousendit is fantastic today. just so you all know.
pretty ballerina - the left banke
i first heard this song on a mix tape that the father of my daughter gave me many many years ago. i still love this song, even though i no longer love him.
ventricle - ponies in the surf
this is a brother/sister duo from boston whom i am quite enamored of, even though they only have one short ep out and have never played here and sound a bit unpolished at times. they're still quite good. i like pretty music. what more can i say?
i wanted to treat you to more songs, but yousendit is being a bit of a pain, so i will leave you, instead, with really truly wonderful descriptions of pretty songs and why i like them. and maybe, someday, yousendit will stop being a balginey and will actually start uploading tracks and i can make these into pretty little mp3s for you, too.
edit: two more songs uploaded. excellent.
waterloo sunset - the kinks
I LOVE THE KINKS. LOVE THEM. LOVE THEM, even. they're fantastic. this song is really beautiful and sometimes, on somedays, it can even make me cry. though this is not my favorite song of theirs, it is fantastic and everyone should listen to it.
clam, crab, cockle, cowrie - joanna newsom
another lovely song. when joanna played this live last summer, i almost cried. that was a lie. i did cry. it's a really beautiful song and the lyrics are fantasticly fantastic.
all her favorite fruit - camper van beethoven
okay, i know that cvb are maybe a bit out of date. but, dude, this song is so good. the first time i heard it was when my brothers first learned to play guitars and started a little band and played covers at my small town moonlight madness in 1994. we still have the video tape. and their performance is still pretty awesome. but, i digress...this song? super good.
second edit: yousendit is fantastic today. just so you all know.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
excellent news
destroyer/new pornographers tour has finally been extended to minneapolis.
this might be the best news ever.
october 22. first ave.
(big. thumbs. up.)
this might be the best news ever.
october 22. first ave.
(big. thumbs. up.)
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
rock star high fives
elliott smith (x2)
steve albini (+ hug)
dan bejar
kim deal (+ wristband?)
howe gelb (x2)
joe pernice (x like a million)
thom monahan
neko case (x2)
sam coomes
janet weiss
stephen malkmus (x2)
lou barlow
harry and the potters
oh wow. i think that's all. i thought for sure that it was more than that.
steve albini (+ hug)
dan bejar
kim deal (+ wristband?)
howe gelb (x2)
joe pernice (x like a million)
thom monahan
neko case (x2)
sam coomes
janet weiss
stephen malkmus (x2)
lou barlow
harry and the potters
oh wow. i think that's all. i thought for sure that it was more than that.
Monday, August 08, 2005
clap your hands
say yeah!
after 1.5 listens, i quite like this album. we will see if it stands my test of time (i.e. will i be bored with it tomorrow?).
after 1.5 listens, i quite like this album. we will see if it stands my test of time (i.e. will i be bored with it tomorrow?).
random thoughts on this and that
yesterday, i made my friend brian a birthday mix. brian, who used to make fun of me and my "snobby, indie taste" (i am NOT a music snob. well, mostly not.), has since come around and realized that, hey, i *do* have good taste in music. this is largely in part to the fact that he has a girlfriend who likes almost the exact same stuff as i do, as girlfriends may be more convincing than best friends in some aspects. you know?
the mix is another erin standard, or else i would post the tracklisting. i really need to get out of the "standard mix" and start experimenting with all those ideas that i had not too far back here. or some others. or something. i still want to make a long song mix, and probably will do that (longer than seven minutes, or six, if i can't find enough tracks that i like), and, in the same spirit, i should probably make a short songs mix filled with 90 second or less ditties.
ooh. that would be kind of fun.
further ideas for mixes:
80s mix.
songs that make us think of the 80s, but in fact, are not 80s.
songs that hearken us to our youth.
music for letter writing.
music for studying (yes, school is starting sooooon)
trail mix (ha)
bear songs
and stuff.
the mix is another erin standard, or else i would post the tracklisting. i really need to get out of the "standard mix" and start experimenting with all those ideas that i had not too far back here. or some others. or something. i still want to make a long song mix, and probably will do that (longer than seven minutes, or six, if i can't find enough tracks that i like), and, in the same spirit, i should probably make a short songs mix filled with 90 second or less ditties.
ooh. that would be kind of fun.
further ideas for mixes:
80s mix.
songs that make us think of the 80s, but in fact, are not 80s.
songs that hearken us to our youth.
music for letter writing.
music for studying (yes, school is starting sooooon)
trail mix (ha)
bear songs
and stuff.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
i bought la maison de mon reve (which i think translates to "the house of my dreams", but since it has been some years since i last took french and i did not verify this, please don't take my word on that) by cocorosie a few weeks ago. i don't know that much about this band, since i no longer make it a point to research as much background information on bands/artists the way that i once did. apparently, they fall into the new "folk movement" that includes people like devendra banhart, joanna newsom, and antony and the johnsons. as i really adore both devendra and joanna (but have never listened to antony, since his picture on billions scares me quite a bit), i figured that it would perhaps be worth my time to check this band out.
and, i'm glad that i did.
while i do not think that this will ever be one of my favorite albums, it is different and enjoyable. upon first listen, i was taken aback. i believe that it is two sisters (and perhaps this is a lesson i can utilize on my next proper review: research the artist!) with strange voices singing slow folky songs over random electronic beats and noises. it was weird and i was unsure what to make of it.
however, upon further listens, i found that there was something almost charming in the oddity of composition, and i've since realized that i liked it. i like the odd songs. they're entrancing and memorable, which is not often the case with music these days (oh the decline of a genre, if bright eyes is your shining star....). they stand out without trying so obviously hard to stand out that the uniqueness overwhelms the actual music. [aside: if there is one thing that i cannot stand, it is forced uniqueness; let your individuality speak for itself, as one does not need to try to make oneself an individual. this, however, would perhaps be better suited to a different sort of blog which i have not yet created and will probably not create.] in addition, the music is relaxing, without being complete fare for falling asleep.
plus, anyone who sings about wanting to be a housewife is pretty cool in my books.
the opening song, "terrible angels", was, to me, reminiscent of the opener on sparklehorse's Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot, with its use of animalesque noises and slow guitars on the intro. that said, it has been about three years since i last listened to that sparklehorse album, so i might be completely offbase, there. we move slowly into songs about housewifery and jesus and butterscotch and end up with a song that is, in a way, about yugoslavia.
in all, la maison de mon reve is quite good and i would recommend it. especially if you are a fan of either devendra banhart or joanna newsom. while i would not put CocoRosie into the same league with those two, i would say that i can understand how if you're a fan of one, you might like......
that said, i guess maybe it is time to get past the scary billions picture and give antony and the johnsons a chance.
[cocorosie, la maison de mon reve, touch and go 2004]
edit: i have since listened to as much antony and the johnsons as i think i can possibly bear. i think i hate him.
and, i'm glad that i did.
while i do not think that this will ever be one of my favorite albums, it is different and enjoyable. upon first listen, i was taken aback. i believe that it is two sisters (and perhaps this is a lesson i can utilize on my next proper review: research the artist!) with strange voices singing slow folky songs over random electronic beats and noises. it was weird and i was unsure what to make of it.
however, upon further listens, i found that there was something almost charming in the oddity of composition, and i've since realized that i liked it. i like the odd songs. they're entrancing and memorable, which is not often the case with music these days (oh the decline of a genre, if bright eyes is your shining star....). they stand out without trying so obviously hard to stand out that the uniqueness overwhelms the actual music. [aside: if there is one thing that i cannot stand, it is forced uniqueness; let your individuality speak for itself, as one does not need to try to make oneself an individual. this, however, would perhaps be better suited to a different sort of blog which i have not yet created and will probably not create.] in addition, the music is relaxing, without being complete fare for falling asleep.
plus, anyone who sings about wanting to be a housewife is pretty cool in my books.
the opening song, "terrible angels", was, to me, reminiscent of the opener on sparklehorse's Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot, with its use of animalesque noises and slow guitars on the intro. that said, it has been about three years since i last listened to that sparklehorse album, so i might be completely offbase, there. we move slowly into songs about housewifery and jesus and butterscotch and end up with a song that is, in a way, about yugoslavia.
in all, la maison de mon reve is quite good and i would recommend it. especially if you are a fan of either devendra banhart or joanna newsom. while i would not put CocoRosie into the same league with those two, i would say that i can understand how if you're a fan of one, you might like......
that said, i guess maybe it is time to get past the scary billions picture and give antony and the johnsons a chance.
[cocorosie, la maison de mon reve, touch and go 2004]
edit: i have since listened to as much antony and the johnsons as i think i can possibly bear. i think i hate him.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
ratings system
from this moment forth, ratings for things that i choose to rate will be as follows (from worst to best):
just okay
quite good
in other words, a four star system.
the pernice brothers newest album = crap
sleater-kinney "the woods" = quite good
spoon "gimme fiction" = fantastic
now, there will be special cases where something is so tremendously tremendous that it will supercede my ratings system, and for that, there is the special category of "best ever".
case in point:
harry and the potters live = best ever!
best ever should be used sparingly, however, i have never been known to follow my own rules, so we shall see what transpires.
up next? writing actual reviews that make sense.
just okay
quite good
in other words, a four star system.
the pernice brothers newest album = crap
sleater-kinney "the woods" = quite good
spoon "gimme fiction" = fantastic
now, there will be special cases where something is so tremendously tremendous that it will supercede my ratings system, and for that, there is the special category of "best ever".
case in point:
harry and the potters live = best ever!
best ever should be used sparingly, however, i have never been known to follow my own rules, so we shall see what transpires.
up next? writing actual reviews that make sense.
Monday, August 01, 2005
harry and the potters
wizard rock did, indeed, invade minneapolis on july 19 and i was so overwhelmed that it has taken me up until now to compose my thoughts and write a brief review.
let me begin by saying that i was looking forward to this show lots and lots and had been for months and months. i had emailed the brothers degeorge about a possible gig in minneapolis and though i did not organize this show, i feel that i played a slight part in helping to express interest and enthusiasm about their show here. okay, that is kind of me kidding myself, but whatever. the show took place in kenwood park, a large park near one of the lakes in minneapolis (otherwise known as the city of lakes). it was a lovely evening - not too hot and not humid at all (kind of a blessing in minneapolis).
i got there early. 6ish or so. i saw the boys sitting on a grassy knoll near the stage, but didn't want to bug them since i didn't want to seem fanatical. plus, my entourage had yet to arrive, so i sat patiently, waiting for the show to begin. once 1/2 of my entourage had arrived, we mosied towards the stage and looked at the merchandise. now, these boys got fairly creative with their merch and had the standard tshirts, posters, and buttons, along with pillowcases (!!) and toothbrushes (!!!!!!)(which said "brush away evil with harry and the potters". pretty awesome.).
then, it was time to sit and wait for the show to begin. the other 1/2 of my crew arrived, and we waited. the boys started with an enthusiastic version of "voldemort can't stop the rock" and continued to rock the stage for about an hour. mostly, they played stuff from their first (self-titled) album, with some stuff from their second and amazing album (voldemort can't stop the rock). they were witty on stage, with remarks about their muggle instruments and how they were used to playing in the room of requirement and the fact that their drummer was under an invisibility cloak and other such awesome things.
i can honestly say that i don't know that i've ever had more fun at a show and they definitely definitely lived up to my oh so high expectations. they were amazing, and satisfied both the music and the harry potter fan in me.
afterwards, i had a chance to briefly talk with them. my conversation with paul was pretty short, but nice. it went something like:
me: can you please sign this?
paul: sure. who should i make it out to?
me: erin.
paul: are you the erin that i emailed?
me: yup! (super excited, but trying to contain it)
me: also, could i get a high five?
*high five*
me: wow. that was a really awesome high five.
paul: thanks.
me: even better than stephen malkmus! (okay, so i name dropped a little. i need to act cool, you know?)
paul: you high fived stephen malkmus?!
me: yup. i high five *all* the rock stars.
okay, and that was about it. i also spoke with joe and got another really awesome high five from him. not only can these boys ROCK, but they give just about the best high fives ever. for real!

i think i love them.
yup. i think i do.
let me begin by saying that i was looking forward to this show lots and lots and had been for months and months. i had emailed the brothers degeorge about a possible gig in minneapolis and though i did not organize this show, i feel that i played a slight part in helping to express interest and enthusiasm about their show here. okay, that is kind of me kidding myself, but whatever. the show took place in kenwood park, a large park near one of the lakes in minneapolis (otherwise known as the city of lakes). it was a lovely evening - not too hot and not humid at all (kind of a blessing in minneapolis).
i got there early. 6ish or so. i saw the boys sitting on a grassy knoll near the stage, but didn't want to bug them since i didn't want to seem fanatical. plus, my entourage had yet to arrive, so i sat patiently, waiting for the show to begin. once 1/2 of my entourage had arrived, we mosied towards the stage and looked at the merchandise. now, these boys got fairly creative with their merch and had the standard tshirts, posters, and buttons, along with pillowcases (!!) and toothbrushes (!!!!!!)(which said "brush away evil with harry and the potters". pretty awesome.).
then, it was time to sit and wait for the show to begin. the other 1/2 of my crew arrived, and we waited. the boys started with an enthusiastic version of "voldemort can't stop the rock" and continued to rock the stage for about an hour. mostly, they played stuff from their first (self-titled) album, with some stuff from their second and amazing album (voldemort can't stop the rock). they were witty on stage, with remarks about their muggle instruments and how they were used to playing in the room of requirement and the fact that their drummer was under an invisibility cloak and other such awesome things.
i can honestly say that i don't know that i've ever had more fun at a show and they definitely definitely lived up to my oh so high expectations. they were amazing, and satisfied both the music and the harry potter fan in me.
afterwards, i had a chance to briefly talk with them. my conversation with paul was pretty short, but nice. it went something like:
me: can you please sign this?
paul: sure. who should i make it out to?
me: erin.
paul: are you the erin that i emailed?
me: yup! (super excited, but trying to contain it)
me: also, could i get a high five?
*high five*
me: wow. that was a really awesome high five.
paul: thanks.
me: even better than stephen malkmus! (okay, so i name dropped a little. i need to act cool, you know?)
paul: you high fived stephen malkmus?!
me: yup. i high five *all* the rock stars.
okay, and that was about it. i also spoke with joe and got another really awesome high five from him. not only can these boys ROCK, but they give just about the best high fives ever. for real!

i think i love them.
yup. i think i do.
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