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the awesomeness just hit me.
it's superb.
because i am lazy, and do not feel like uploading anything for you, i am going to send you to drag city to download "how can i love you if you won't lie down" (video)(apparently). because, well, i am lazy and that song is just as good as any other. this album is good.
in unrelated content: the new pornographers and destroyer cancelled their minneapolis date. it's as if the concert gods were cursing me....or, it's as if one of the members was ill or something.
i learned some very interesting information tonight. bobby conn, the bobby conn who is so weird and yet so wonderful, is playing minneapolis on november 5th. as i will be in town and not busy, i am so there.
bobby conn is like the... hmm. bobby conn is not the anti-christ, though i thought he might be for a while. bobby conn is not normal. bobby conn is glam. bobby conn is awesome.
november 5th.
mark your calendars, kids.
in other news, i have been completely obsessed with jim guthrie as of late, which is neat but kind of odd, since i've never much cared for royal city and thought that, to be honest, they were kind of crap. but jim? jim = good.
and, also, i cleaned out my random cd storage area and found numerous cds that need to be listened to, up to and including a copy of red apple falls by smog (which probably belongs to my brother, but he doesn't need to know about that unless he stumbles across this in which case, i will give it back to you if it is yours, drew), two unlabeled pavement random downloads discs (once again, these do not belong to me....drew), and too many elliott smith random albums to even count. i also found a live disc of the jam, random burned copies of albums that i love that i must have intended on giving away at some point, loads of classical music (this is what actually prompted me to search in the area, as i was looking for something for rowan to listen to), tons of mix cds that were made for me from a long time ago, an up records sampler, and a vhs copy of the fellowship of the ring - which is clearly not music, but kind of funny all the same. there was more, too, but the inventory would be too long and boring to continue to tell, so just take my word for it that there were lots of surprises and some things made me happy and some things made me just a little bit sad.
the new pornographers play in less than 48 hours. though i am excited for them and love twin cinema, i am definitely more excited for destroyer. destroyerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

last saturday night, i had the pleasure of seeing the second official debut of the local band mise en place. kids, they're going to do great things and i'm not just saying that because my brother is involved in the band. they're actually really good**. trust me. i have excellent taste in music and my opinions should be trusted.
they played a lengthy set of material that i had previously only heard in demo format (with just drew patrick playing various parts on a four track recording) or at solo drew patrick shows, of which there have been like 5 in history or something like that. maybe more, maybe a few less.
but, as pre-usual, i digress. mise en place was the band of the hour and they seriously rocked. i was very impressed with their performance, given that they've existed as a band for about two months or less and all work various full-time jobs and have real lives that take up a lot of time and they still managed to sound goooood. real good.
for videos and photos and their own write up of their performance, i highly recommend that you check out the mise en place blog found here: mise en place
this site also has some linkage to a photobucket and putmefile space for the band. i'd link myself, but really, why do that when it's already been done for me?
so, in conclusion, mise en place are good. they're from "edina" (but really not.). they rock. my brother is in the band. and, that is probably all you need to know right now.
just wait for more big news as it happens.
**(see, i was kind of worried that i would have to lie about them and say that they were good when really i wasn't impressed at all, but, luckily for all parties involved, no lying was necessary because they sounded fantastic. and i mean that from the bottom of my little hahhhhhhht.)
if, for some reason, on this gray and rainy and gloomy day (in minneapolis town, at least), you feel the need to listen to something kind of gangsta, give this (link!) a try. it's quite good. 48ish minutes of stuff that is completely different from typical bad arts fare, but good all the same. except for the last three minutes, but we don't need to talk about that now.
some time ago, rowan and her father made a mix together. apparently, rowan has not read my rules on how to make a mix cd and what to put on it, for she (being the one who picked the songs) broke many of my rules. her dad should have known better.
there is no need to put donovan on twice. the beatles on SIX times. no need to ever put the grateful dead on any mix. no need for ... actually, i can't really criticize too much beyond that.
it is apparent, however, that i need to do some active parenting when it comes to the art of the mix.
that said, i do appreciate that at her young age (three), she is already interested in making mixes to fit her mood (this was a dance mix, apparently) and that she knows that it's her mix and that it starts with an R and that it's music she likes. i also appreciate the fact that her father helped with this, though, as i said, i do need to teach her the rules to this and hopefully help her out for future mixing efforts.
in other news related to music, i have recently been given the gift of pavement rarities and i cannot stop listening to them, even though i was also given the gift of many other albums at the same time. the gift of music is fantastic and it is even better when it is the gift of hard to find songs by one's favorite all-time band's like new music from a long dead band! it has been a terrific few days of all-out pavement looooove.
with the occasional mix of other things, of course. occasional.
my recent summation of indie rock in 4000 words or less was this:
pavement rocked.
the end.
i'm not sure that that is good and i'm not sure if anyone else will think that that is good, but i do know that it sums it up pour moi, and that is the most important thing here. please remember that at the bad arts, only my opinion counts.