Tuesday, July 18, 2006

coming up....

july 29 - jolie holland

i'm excited about this. i missed her last show in town PLUS i get to see it at a venue that i walk by every single day but have yet to go to.

august 12 - bonnie prince billy

(free instore! how cool is that?!)

september 12 - shellac

steve probably wants another hug. i think my brother is more excited about this than about recording with steve a few weeks later.

i need to get back to monitoring the first ave and 400 bar website with a diligence usually reserved for work. that said, my diligence is usually reserved for work.

Friday, July 14, 2006

music fest

today is the day of posts.

with approximately 97% certainty, i will be attending this awesome looking festival in september.


stephen malkmus! britt daniel (solo, no less!)! scout niblett! the silver jews!!

oh my.
it's like my dream come true.

especially the malkmus/britt bit, considering that they're my two rock star boyfriends (that don't know that i exist except maybe as the high five girl in malkmus' case). if only we could get howe and dan and others to come, too. neko? could sleater-kinney reunite JUST FOR ME? quasi?

we shall see. it should be fun and awesome and there is a 100% certainty of that.

mise en place, big v's

on july 11, 2006, minneapolis' own mise en place played their first show in some months (they had taken a break from performing to prep for an upcoming recording session with that famed producer, steve albini) at big v's in st. paul. though i am a biased listener (my brother and fake brother are two of the members), i thought that they sounded really good. not that they didn't before, but the two months off seemed to reenergize and revitalize their sound.

you can listen to their music on their myspace page, found here. and, if you are in the minneapolis area in late july, they'll be playing at the famed 400 bar (famed in my heart, mind you. IN MY HEART.) on july 27 for a mere $5.

photos from big v's.
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m. forrester

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drew patrick and cory rath

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(i swear that i might get sick of the blurry photo look soon, but i doubt it.)

wizard rock revisited yet again

it would appear that i have an obsession with wizard rock. i really don't. in fact, as a genre, i have some issues with it (as evidenced by previous posts here and here), but think that harry and the potters are tops.

anyhow, they rocked the library in minneapolis this week. it was pretty awesome.

highlights include:
  • paul running around during voldemort can't stop the rock and rocking right in front of us in the second section of the auditorium.
  • joe playing the tenor sax all around the auditorium during save ginny weasley from dean thomas.
  • the megaphone during the human hosepipe. my sister and i just looked at each other and were like, "yeah!"
  • hearing the new songs from the power of love for the first time, and then rocking out to the cd at home afterwards.
  • overall wizard rockery goodness.

photographic highlights include:

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there are plenty more photos available for your viewing pleasure here.
(that *should* work)

(have i ever mentioned how much i prefer a blurry concert photograph to a crisp one? it's a strange phenomenon indeed. crisp ones are good, though, for creating magnets with. just so you know.)

a side effect of the show was that my daughter, age four, who attended with me, has not stopped singing "i am a wizard" since we attended. this was four days ago. she sings it every morning in the car and every evening on the way back home. as they say, though, the proof is in the pudding, so here you go: evidence of the singing.

the new album is really fantastic. i plan on writing more about that at a later date and time, but just know that if you like music and you like harry potter and you really like good music, then you should probably check them out. they're pretty much the best thing since sliced bread.

Monday, July 03, 2006

wizard rock, part a million

oh jesus, i can hardly wait.

(information lifted directly from the harry and the potters website)

1. New Wizard Anthem
2. Song for the Death Eaters
3. Flesh, Blood, and Bone
4. Save Ginny Weasley From Dean Thomas
5. Felix Felicis
6. Slug Club
7. Smoochy Smoochy Pukey Pukey
8. This Book is so Awesome
9. (not gonna put on) the Monkey Suit
10. We Save Ron's Life, Part 8
11. Hermione's Birds and Boys
12. In Which Draco Malfoy Cries Like a Baby
13. Dumbledore
14. Phoenix Song

totally awesome, right? pretty much.

i'll be rocking to them next monday. pics will come, i am sure.

today, i am wearing my "Save Ginny" shirt and when i went out to eat with some coworker/friends, a little girl was whispering to her brother, "look, it's ginny from harry potter!" and i kind of displayed my shirt proudly and shared a conspiratorial grin with the brother. i wanted to spread the news of the wizard rock, but didn't want to look like a weird adult when the parents were there. i'm not sure that my love of wizard rock is entirely 100% appropriate for someone my age. oh well.

in non wizard rock related news: sleater-kinney are no more. very sad. this is also very old (last week) type of news.