and i'm so glad i went for it.
the tracklisting of his show, from the spoon yahoo group is:
Don't Make Me a Target
Lines In The Suit
"Telephone My heart"
The Two Sides Of Monsieur Valentine
Stay Don't Go
"Cherry Bomb"
Metal Detektor
"Nausea" (???)
The Beast And Dragon, Adored
Anything You Want
They Never Got You
I Summon You
Everything Hits At Once
The Way We Get By
it was amazing. i'm jumping ahead, though, aren't i? we made it there around 8, when doors opened, had a quick drink, ran into someone we knew would be coming, and staked our place at the front (to the left of the stage, but managed to inch our way to the left of center for britt's set, which is both mine and my friend's preferred spot for shows. we're totally concert twins!) for the opening bands.
first, came smoosh, the tween wonders from seattle. they were okay, but i feel that if they were 20 or something, people wouldn't like them that much. there was one guy in the crowd (who must have been in his thirties? or so?) who was totally rocking out to them and singing along to every song. it made us laugh.

i think that rowan would like them. i thought that they were okay. the guy in the crowd was the best part of their set.
next came jeremy enigk or something like that - the dude from sunny day real estate. that was like a really boring bar band (less boring than viva voce, though). i was a little annoyed because they played for 1 hr, 5 minutes. at first, i was excited because i had hoped that it would mean that britt would play for 1 hr, 5 minutes. but, he didn't. he played for 45.
here's a picture. the bassist was really hilarious.

but, other than that, not that exciting.
then, britt. he said he lives in portland now (we knew that) and that he loves it there (how could he not?). he pretty much just played a solid show that was wonderful. setlist above. i really think that spoon is cemented as my number one band currently performing and recording music. no one, not even britt, will take the place of pavement. sorry, dude.
so, here are some pictures, because that is what people really want to see.

the chandelier in the crystal ballroom.

britt setting up and seeing me take his picture. oh my.

(that's my favorite)

and that is that. it was really quite an amazing show.
afterwards, i asked britt for the setlist, while he put his guitar away, and he was all, "oh, i promised it to someone else already. that girl over there" (points randomly towards the center of the stage). me: "aww, man. well, thanks!" then, he went to his guitar case, pulled out a sheet of paper, scribbled something on it and then gave it to me. it was lyrics or something? to some song? some unreleased song? and he signed "thank you, britt daniel" on the back. that was pretty cool. no high fives, but lyrics to an unknown song? i'll take that.
thx, britt! :-*
oh, and my acquaintance justin sent a link to my flickr to britt (he is actual real live friends with britt, which is pretty awesome) and britt responded:
nice ones.
thank you